It's always been fashion. Growing up in Goldsboro, North Carolina I’ve always had a strong obsession with garments unrelated to my origin. In 2017 this spilled over into another familiar art form, photography. I wasn't certain on what I wanted to create, but knew it had to be something fashion related.

Over the next couple of years from testing unfamiliar waters I became increasingly aware of the style I gravitated towards. It was fashion, beauty, and concept. I love work that tells a story. I feel my purpose as an artist is to evoke emotion. It should create a feeling people have never felt before; thorough and never rushed.

If I had to describe my work, I’d use timeless, but also temporary. I've always appreciated pieces that can withstand time but still respect a moment as well. 

My business motto is “It's all fuel”. We all go through shit as people, but how and where are we focusing the energy from those experiences? I’ve chosen to put mine in art form.